вівторок, 26 травня 2020 р.

                Дистанційне навчання

               27 травня    9-Б клас

            Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of May

             Albert Einstein

 The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein ...

 1. Watch the video and learn about Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

2. Do exercise 1, page 175. Read the text. Put the number of each paragraph next to the appropriate headline.

3. Do exercise 2, page 177. Answer the questions.

4.  Write down the questions to which the following statements are the answers.

a) Music, sailing. 

b) In Ulm, Germany.

c) Because many of his scientific discoveries were far ahead of their time

d) In 1914.

e) In 1905.

f) To Germany.

g) He was 76.

5. Watch the video

Real speech of Albert Einstein 

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