вівторок, 12 травня 2020 р.

                    Дистанційне навчання

                  13 травня   9-Б клас

                Тема: Контроль читання

Сьогодні контрольна робота з читання за II семестр.
Вам потрібно виконати три завдання. За виконання кожного завдання ви отримуєте 4 бали.

Завдання 1.
Виконати тест за посиланням

Завдання 2.
Read the text and then do the tasks:
                            A Laconic Answer
The Lacons lived in that part of Southern Greece which was called Laconia. The people who lived there were very brave. They loved their Motherland and defended it from all the enemies. Everybody knew that their life was very simple. They tried to follow the laws of their country and never spoke long. "The shorter the better," was their rule. "Never use more words than you need," was another rule. And nowadays as you probably know a very short answer is often called a laconic answer, because the Lacons usually gave such short answers.
In Northern Greece there was a land called Macedonia. King Philip ruled there. He was not very clever and he was not very brave, but he wanted to become the king of all Greece. So, he collected a great army and soon he became master of all Greece. Only Laconia was not conquered. Then King Philip wrote a letter and sent it to the brave Lacons. The letter said: "If I win the battle with your army, I will become your king and ruin your great city."
A few days later an answer was brought back to him. King Philip found only one word in it. The word was very short, and that was "If”
Answer the questions: Даємо повні відповіді.

1. Where was Laconia situated?

2. What kind of  people lived there?

3. What were the rules of the people who lived in Laconia?

4. What kind of life did the Lacons have?

5. Who ruled Macedonia?

6. Where was Macedonia situated?

7. What kind of  man was Philip?

8. What did King Philip want?

9. What part of Greece was not conquered by Philip?

10. What did he write to the Lacons in his letter?

11. What answer did he get?

12. How do we call a very short answer nowadays?

Завдання 3

Read the text (from If I Were Seventeen Again by Jesse Stuart)
   If I were seventeen again, I would want to live on a Kentucky hill farm. I would want to grow up and live where there are trees, meadows and streams. If I couldn’t live on a large farm, a few acres would do. But I would want space to hunt over, and a stream or lake nearby where I could fish. I would want to mow the meadows with a span of horses or mules, and haul the hay to the barn on a hay wagon. I believe the boy or girl who hasn’t ridden on a hay wagon has missed something in his youth. If he hasn’t smell new-mown clover, he has missed the finest wind a youth ever breathed.
   In the spring of the year, If  I were seventeen again, I’d want to take long walks into the woods. I’d want to get acquainted with all kinds of birds, how they build their nests and the kind of materials they use, what color and size eggs they lay – from the hoot owl to the chicken hawk and sparrow – and how and what they feed their young. I’d want to know all about the animals. I would want to know and I would find out what they ate, where they lived, what animals were friendly with each other and which were enemies. This is a world every teenage boy should know. I’ve never seen one yet who didn’t love the animal world. And I would protect each nondestructive animal, each nondestructive bird. I would want to know the hunting laws, abide by them, and help restock and protect game so it would be here for the next seventeen-year-old when he came along.

Write if the sentences are true or false.
1. The person telling the story wants to know how birds build their nests, how they walk and how they steal eggs.
2. The person telling the story wants to hunt every animal to make sure that there no animals left over for the next teenager.
3. The person telling the story wants to know how the animals communicate, migrate and where they live.
4. The person telling the story dreams about being seventeen again.
5. The person telling the story wants to walk in mountains, valleys and forests in spring.
6. He wants to live on a farm in Kentucky.
7. He wants to keep all the destructive animals safe.
8. He wants to be able to fish and rock climb in nature.
9. The person telling the story wants to know the color and size of sparrow eggs.
10. Ever Друге та третє завдання надіслати у приватні повідомлення 13 травня. y boy should know about the animal world.

Друге та третє завдання надіслати у приватні повідомлення 13 травня.

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