четвер, 14 травня 2020 р.

                      Дистанційне навчання

                     15 травня       7-Б клас

                  Friday, the fifteenth of May

Сьогодні контрольна робота з читання. Контрольна робота складається з 2 завдань.

Task I. Завдання I.

Потрібно виконати тест за посиланням

Тест проходимо один раз, вказуємо своє ім’я та прізвище. Тест виконати сьогодні.

Task II. Завдання II.
 Прочитайте текст

                           Medicine for a Headache
   People go to the chemist’s shop to buy medicine. They bring the medicine home and take it when they or other members of the family are ill. This story is about an Englishman who looked for some medicine but could not explain well what he wanted.
   One day a man went into a chemist’s shop. He saw a chemist and asked him, “Have you anything for a headache?”
   The chemist said, “I have a very good medicine.” Then he took a small bottle from the shelf. He held it under the man’s nose and opened it.
   It was not a great pleasure for the man, because tears came to his eyes and ran down his face. He could not speak and he did not like the medicine.
   “What did you do?” he said when he could speak again.
   “Well, I didn’t do anything bad,” said the chemist. “You wanted something for your headache, didn’t you? That medicine has helped you, hasn’t it?”
   “No, it hasn’t,” said the man. “It’s my wife that has the headache, not me!”
   “Oh, I’m so sorry!” said the chemist. Next time please tell me more about the medicine you want. And I’ll ask you more questions before giving something.”

Correct the following statements that are not true to fact. Визначте, які речення правильні, які неправильні.

Виправте неправильні твердження, запишіть та надішліть у приватні повідомлення 15 травня.

1. People go to the chemist’s shop to buy food.
2. If people are ill they take medicine.
3. One day a man went into a chemist’s shop to buy some medicine for a headache.
4. The chemist took a small bottle from the table, held it under the man’s nose and opened it.
5. It was a great pleasure for the man.
6. Tears came to his eyes and ran down his face.
7. He liked the medicine very much.
8. The chemist hoped that the medicine had helped the man.
9. The man said that it was his aunt that had a headache.

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