понеділок, 6 квітня 2020 р.

                                           Дистанційне навчання

                            7 квітня                 7-Б клас

 Тема: Улюблені фільми

                              Tuesday, the seventh of April

1. Виконайте вправу 1, с.140. Визначте жанри даних фільмів.

2. Виконання вправи 6, с. 151. Скажіть, які  фільми ви  порекомендували б переглянути своїм друзям і чому.

 3. Прочитайте текст "My favourite movie", знайдіть правильні твердження.

                                     My Favourite Movie


My name is Sandra. I am 12 years old. I’d like to tell you about my favourite movie. I like watching movies very much, especially at the cinema. Every time a new film  comes out my friends and I go to see it. We have watched many films , but my favourite one is an American film called Jurassic World. It is an adventure film. It is the fourth part in Jurassic park serial.
The director of the film is Colin Trevorrow. The music is composed by Michael Giacchino. The actors Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Vincent D’Onofrio , Nick Robinson, Ty Simpkins, Omar Sy, Katie Mc Grath play the leading parts. I enjoy their superb acting. The director uses animation technique and special effects to make this film a worldwide attraction.
The main characters appeared on the island at the coast of Costa-Rica. It is a real dinosaur theme park where ancient animals live. They were made by people who used blood of ancient insects. The organizers of the park wanted to demonstrate a new attraction. But it happened that the dinosaurs freed themselves. In result there were a lot of exciting adventures waiting the main heroes of the film.
I shall remember this film for a long time. If you haven’t seen this film yet, I recommend it.
I.         True or false:
1.     Sandra would like to tell about her hobby.
2.     Her  favourite film is  Titanic.
3.     Jurassic World is a detective film.
4.     It is the third part in Jurassic Park serial.
5.     The director of the film is Steven Spielberg.
6.     The actors are nоt talented.
7.     Their acting is superb.
8.     The director uses animation technique and special effects to make this film a worldwide attraction.
9.     The main characters appeared in a real dinosaur theme park where ancient animals live.
10.   It happened that the dinosaurs freed themselves.


Домашнє завдання: прочитайте вправу 1, с. 152, перекладіть її та напишіть про  ваш улюблений фільм за планом.

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