неділя, 5 квітня 2020 р.

                            Дистанційне навчання

              6 квітня 2020 року          7-Б клас

 Тема: Кіно чи театр?

1.  Revise the vocabulary.  Do the test "Cinema". Пригадайте слова, виконайте тест за посиланням
Код доступу 322467.
2. Read the texts and do the tasks. Прочитайте тексти і закінчіть речення письмово.

                                            Theatre in Great Britain.
Most of the famous theatres in Britain are found in London. There are more than fifty theatres in the West End. Many of the shows which go on in the West End are light comedies, but some theatres put on more serious plays. One of the leading companies in England is the Royal Shakespeare Company, at the Aldwych Theatre. There they put on new and old plays, and Shakespearean plays. The National Theatre is also one of  most famous theatres. in London. The building is modern, and the plays are classics and new productions.
Complete the sentences:
1.     Most of the famous theatres in Britain are…
2.     There are more than fifty theatres …
3.     Many of the plays and shows which go on in the West End are …
4.     One of the leading companies in England is …
5.     The most famous theatres in London is…
                                Theatre in the United States of America.
Theatre in United States has been strongly influenced by European drama. A great number of the USA theatres are located in New York City. New York theatre world is divided into two parts. The first one centres around Broadway. Today the musical play dominates Broadway and captures the attention of audiences at home and from abroad. Off –Broadway theatres are found throughout the city in the buildings once used as garages, offices and stores. They are known as “theatres-in the round”, because the cast performs in the centre of the room, surrounded in all sides by the audience.
Complete the sentences:
1.     Theatre in the United States has been …
2.     A great number of the USA theatres are located in …
3.     New York theatre world is …
4.     The first one…
5.     Off-Broadway theatres are found ...
6.     They are known as “theatres-in the round”, because … 

3. Do exercise 3, page 149. Answer the questions.
4. Do exercise 5, page 151. Написати коротке повідомлення (8-10 речень ) про улюблені фільми, відповідаючи на запитання.

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