5 квітня              9-А, 9-Б класи

Тема:  Great Britain.  England

1. Let's learn about Great Britain. Watch the video

10 Facts about the UK 

The British Isles 

2. Do exercise 3, page 184. Read the text and say what new information you've discovered  about the country.

2. Do exercise 6, page 186. Do the quiz about England.

3. Do exercise 7, page 188. Look at the England factfile and check your answers.

4. Do exercise 8, page 189. Ask and answer the questions. Напишіть запитання і дайте відповіді на них.

5. Revise Present, Past, Future tenses. Watch the English lesson


 Your hometask is to write and learn about Great Britain.

Домашнє завдання: розповісти про Велику Британію.

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