30 березня

8-А клас

 Тема: British Press "Періодичні видання Великої Британії"

1.Good morning, children. We are going to speak about media in Great Britain.
Прослухайте  аудіозапис, випишіть назви газет і журналів
Дайте відповіді на запитання
-Are newspapers popular in Britain?
-What quality papers can you name?
-What do quality newspapers focus on?
-What tabloids can you name?
-What do tabloids focus on?
2.Read the text and check your answers.
                                                   British Press
   The papers in Britain are divided into two groups – the quality papers and the tabloids.
   The quality papers are large in size and have detailed articles about national and international events. The tabloids are smaller in size, have shorter articles and have more pictures. The articles in the tabloids are shorter and about less important events. Sometimes they are about private lives of well-known people. There are daily and Sunday papers. Sunday papers are larger than daily papers; they are national, and that means they can be bought all over Britain.
   Many papers and magazines are printed in colour, and a number of papers produce colour magazines as a part of Saturday and Sunday papers. They provide reading material about fashion, clothes, cooking, diet, house and home, motoring and holidays. They publish sections with articles on travel, food and wine, and other leisure topics.
   The great number of magazines are published for women. Their bright covers are designed to catch the eye, and they certainly succeed in doing so. There are magazines for motorists, farmers, gardeners, nurses, computer programmers and many others. There is always something to read.

3. Learn new vocabulary. Опрацюйте слова на с. 189, запишіть у словник і вивчіть.
4. Ще раз прочитайте текст British Press і виконайте вправу 2, с. 189. Закінчіть речення.
Read the text above and complete the sentences (exercise 2, page 189).
5. Do exercise 3, page 190. Divide the newspapers into quality papers and tabloids. Fill in the table. Прочитайте вправу 3, с. 190, запишіть у таблицю назви якісних газет та таблоїдів.
 Завдання необхідно виконати до 1 квітня  16:00

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