20 січня                         9-А, 9-Б класи

Тема уроку: Inventions and Inventors

Good afternoon, boys and girls! Today we are going to learn more about inventions and discoveries.

1. Watch the video and complete the sentences

  1. Henry was born on……
  2. But he didn’t like….
  3. His first car was produced in…
  4. The first cars were……
  5. The price of the first Ford Model T  was .......

 Henry Ford


 2. Do exercise 7a) , page 134. Read and name some important inventions and discoveries of the 20th and 21st centuries. Answer the questions. 

Дайте письмові відповіді на запитання.

3. Do the test. 

Виконайте тести  "На Урок". Код доступу 2030012. Завдання активне до 16:00.


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